Bob Hope America Is 200 Years Old...And There's Still Hope LP+CD, Stereo
M/M Professional high quality remastering service with split tracks and glossy covers in jewel case.
US/1976 Capitol ST-11538 Ungraded
Burning Tree
Rapid Robert
Boston Commons
The Boston Tea Party
Betsy Ross
Young Glory
Paul Revere's Ride
Paul Revere
Bunker Hill
You Can't Win A War Without A War Song
Declaration Of Independence
Freedom Policy
Washington Crosses The Delaware
Drink It Down Boys
Cornwallis' Surrender
Young Glory (Reprise)
Dan Rowan & Dick Martin Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In LP+CD, Stereo
M/M Professional high quality remastering service with split tracks and glossy covers in jewel case.
US/1968 Epic FXS 15118 Ungraded
Cuckoo Laugh-In World
Monologue And Cocktail Party
New Talent
Personality Of The Week
News-Past, Present And Future
Half Time
Here Come The Judge
The Other Cocktail Party
Sock It To Me - Potpourri
Mod Mod World
The Cuckoos
Goodnight Dick!
Gary Miller Celebration Road Show—Live On Stage LP+CD, Stereo
M/M Professional high quality remastering service with split tracks and glossy covers in jewel case.
US/1979 Circle CLP-2 Ungraded
Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home
For The Good Times
Shake That Thing
Leroy Brown
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Dr. Billy Paul Argus
Amazing Grace
Gypsy Rose Lee Gypsy Rose Lee Remembers Burlesque LP+CD, Stereo
M/M Professional high quality remastering service with split tracks and glossy covers in jewel case.
US/1962 Stereoddities CG-1 Ungraded
How It All Began
Minsky's Barker
We're The Dollies Of 42nd Street
Daisy Scene
Gypsy Song
Adam And Eve
Backstage Dressing Room
Pickle Persuader Bit
Blackout #1 (Courtroom Scene)
Blackout #2 (Monkey Cage)
Blackout #3 (The Great Rajah)
Blackout #4 (Balloon Salesman)
My First Suitor
The Candy Pitchman
The Virgin Drummer
We're The Dollies Of 42nd Street (Reprise)
Powder My Back
The Burlesque Comics
Blackout #5 (Wedded Bliss)
Blackout #6 (Lent)
Blackout #7 (The Mink Coat)
Blackout #8 (The Nightgown)
Blackout #9 (The Radio Repair Man)
Blackout #10 (The Drunk)
Blackout #11 (The Streetwalker)
Blackout #12 (The Stockholder)
When The Nude Is A Prude
Street Interviews
Opening Night At The Winter Garden
My Heart Is Still Downtown
Larry Storch At The Bon Soir LP+CD
M/M Professional high quality remastering service with split tracks and glossy covers in jewel case.
US/1961 Jubilee JGM 2033 Ungraded
French Stories
An In-Fidel In Cuba
The Lost Child
James Mason At Home
George Jessel's Grandmother
The Mafia In The Hot Seat
Russia Speaks
Mexican Interview
My Favorite Commercial
When I Was A Kid
Cowboy Yarns